We make unique fountain pens

Owls’ Landing hand-painted fountain pen

Owls’ Landing is a magical place, or a space, that exists in Hanna Farmer’s imagination, and that so real I feel I have been there too. She has painted this space in a nighttime dusky blue, with owls in flight, carrying entire cities on their backs. Hanna’s zendoodles are in black, with the roofs and the airships in a dark oxblood red. For, naturally, there are airships sharing this space with the owls. The owls themselves have huge eyes and enormous wings that wrap around the entire circumference of the pen’s barrel. And their patterned wings are magnificent.

The more one looks, the more one sees. There is washing hanging on a line, silver stars to match the crescent moon that only show up as you rotate the pen, fish drying on a line, an anchor hanging from an airship, a man hanging from a ladder trying to climb into the airship that took off without him, while another person stands in the basket and peers through a periscope. Owls flying everywhere, crooked chimneys, weathervanes, a windsock, someone fishing. A bird perched atop an airship. Bunting. One could own this pen for months and still discover something new every day.

The pen was made by us at Stanford Pen Studio, painted and doodled by Hanna then coated in a clear resin by ourselves and given its final shape, polished, and buffed. It has a silver cap band, section ring, and silver logo medallion in the cap finial, and we have added a Bugatti-red grip section that gives a lovely surprise when one uncaps the pen as it brings the reds on the painting to life.

Each of our hand-painted fountain pens is a 1/1 original work of art. If you have seen a pen painted by Hanna that has been sold, you are more than welcome to contact us with a request for a pen on a similar theme.